FLATLINE N°3 (2012)

8 ans ago

Peinture a l'huile et pigments Jeremie Francblum artiste Peintre Paris

FLATLINE is a series of seven canvas I created in 2012 and 2013.

The techniques I used were projection of pigments and different liquids (painting medium, varnishes…) on oil paint.

All « Flatlines » are a superposition of three layers of these techniques, separated by periods of two month of drying.

Each Flatline is a visual representation of a life at the moment of its very end : the imprint it made on its family, friends and society in general.

The Flat Line itself is vertical, not horizontal and represents the literal mark this life had on its surroundings.

The background represents the surrounding itself in which this life grew and evolved through the years.

FLATLINE is a window into the finite soul of a person no longer with us, at the time of its departure.